Society News Archive
The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) has asked all International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA) societies to propose nominations for membership in the ICNIRP commission for the 2016–2020 term of office. Send nominations to the ICNIRP Secretariat at [email protected] until 14 September 2015 using the form and providing all necessary documentation (DoI and CV with publication list). All forms are available for download on the elections page of the ICNIRP website.
Following ICNIRP statutes, every four years ICNIRP elects the commission members for the next term of office and extends a call for nominations to IRPA and its societies. For the 2016–2020 term of office, the election will take place at the next annual general meeting, 18–20 November 2015 in San Antonio, Texas.