Society News Archive
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is seeking additional input from the public, licensees, Agreement States, non-Agreement States, and other stakeholders on the need for potential rulemaking to address prompt remediation of residual radioactivity during the operational phase at licensed material sites and nuclear reactors. The NRC has not initiated a rulemaking, but is gathering information and seeking stakeholder input on this subject for developing a recommendation to the Commission regarding the need for further rulemaking.
To aid in this process, the NRC is requesting comments on the issues discussed in Section II, "Specific Questions," in the Supplementary Information section of this document. Comments on the issues discussed in this document must be submitted by 22 August 2016.
The document can be located on the federal rulemaking website at—search for Docket ID NRC-2011-0162.
Craig Little, Health Physics Society (HPS) Agency Liaison, is coordinating and organizing comments that can be submitted on behalf of the HPS. Reply directly to Craig at [email protected]. Comments are due no later than 17 August so that there is time to submit a coordinated response by the NRC due date.