Society News Archive

7 September 2016
September HP News Articles

In the September issue of Health Physics News, our cover story deals with the reality of academic health physics programs in the United States. Buckle your seat belts—it is a rough ride!
Bob Cherry is now our president and provides us with the first of his monthly messages. Among other things, he is going to be focused on governance issues and has provided some food for thought on that topic. Bob seeks input and guidance from the members and Society leaders on the proper course of action.
Our treasurer, Mike Lewandowski, tells us that we had a financially challenging year in 2015 and need to take appropriate steps to avoid any similar setbacks in 2016 or future years.
Elsewhere in this issue you will find an abundance of useful information, including:

  • John Boice reaching a milestone—his 50th report, this one providing an overview of the 63rd meeting of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation.
  • Andy Karam reporting on an "old book" whose message is still valid in these days of homeland security worries about nuclear devices.
  • Joe Bevelacqua, one of our more prolific authors, publishing a new book titled Health Physics: Radiation-Generating Devices, Characteristics, and Hazards.
  • Chapter news from the New England and Baltimore Washington Chapters.
  • Our very active Military Health Physics Section providing citations for the section's 2016 awards recognizing exceptional achievements by three section members and the Medical Health Physics Section reporting on its recent activities.
  • David Connolly discussing federal agency actions dealing with government-imposed restrictions on scientific meeting attendance.
  • The CHP Corner bringing us up to date on what occurred during the 2016 HPS Annual Meeting, who the new leaders are, and a big thank-you to those who completed their service to the Academy in 2016.

Click here to access the current issue of Health Physics News. Alternatively, you may click here to go to the HPS website newsletter page (from which you may access this or any of the past issues of Health Physics News). We always appreciate reader feedback, so please contact me, Howard Dickson, at [email protected].