Society News Archive

28 November 2016
NRC Seeks Applicants for ACRS Position

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is seeking a qualified candidate for appointment to its Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS). The ACRS is an advisory group that provides independent technical review of, and advice on, matters related to the safety of existing and proposed nuclear facilities and on the adequacy of proposed reactor safety standards. It also advises the Commission on issues in health physics and radiation protection.

The primary focus of the ACRS is on safety issues associated with the operation of 99 U.S. commercial nuclear power plants and regulatory initiatives, including risk-informed and performance-based regulations, license renewal, power uprates, new reactor applications, and the use of mixed oxide and high burn-up fuels. In addition, the ACRS may be asked to provide advice on radiation protection, radioactive waste management, and earth sciences in the agency's licensing reviews for fuel fabrication, enrichment, and waste-disposal facilities.

Interested individuals should find candidate criteria and details at the corresponding Federal Register notice available on the NRC website. Résumés will be accepted until 30 December 2016. Résumés should be sent to Jamila Perry and Alesha Bellinger, ACRS, Mail Stop T2E-26, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, or by email to [email protected] and [email protected]. For more information on the ACRS, go the NRC website.

Adapted from an NRC news release