Society News Archive

1 August 2017
Radiological Operations Support Specialist Training

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD), the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate (DHS S&T), and the Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE NNSA) have developed training that will aid in certifying existing radiological subject-matter experts (SMEs) as radiological operations support specialists (ROSS).

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) staff members have conducted a job task analysis to identify the skills, knowledge, and abilities (SKAs) needed by ROSS. They surveyed state leaders who would request ROSS assistance as well as people intersted in being a ROSS. The SKAs result in the objectives for training lesson plans that are nearing completion. The training development team has drafted a 40-hour curriculum that ensures radiation protection SMEs are prepared to deploy.

Currently, FEMA is typing ROSS for activation as National Incident Management System assets and creating a cadre management capacity to ensure ROSS are trained, activated, financially supported, and maintained both during training and when activated for actual emergencies similar to urban search and rescue teams. FEMA has also created an initial ROSS training course for its catalog titled MGT-455: Radiological Operations Support Specialist. It is to be offered by the Counterterrorism Operations Support (CTOS). For this pilot, they want interested individuals to attend and provide feedback so the final course to be submitted by CTOS for the FEMA catalog provides the absolute best content.

A ROSS training opportunity will be held 18–22 September 2017 in Atlanta, Georgia.  If you are interested in participating in the upcoming ROSS Pilot, please submit the following documents electronically to [email protected] by 15 August 2017:

  • Cover letter containing:
    • The reason(s) you are interested in becoming a ROSS.
    • Acknowledgement of supervisor's approval for ROSS participation.
    • Confirmation of schedule availability for the ROSS Pilot 18–22 September 2017.
  • One-page résumé that describes:
    • Contact information, including agency, title, and position responsibilities.
    • ROSS-relevant training, professional certifications, and applicable experience.

Applications for the pilot will be reviewed by the ROSS Senior Steering Committee, and student selection will be based on agency and supervisor support, relevant training and radiological expertise, and the student's ability to provide feedback through the pilot that will improve ROSS training, materials, and resources for future students. Candidates should be notified by 19 August 2017.