News Archive
Invitation to Submit Papers to ORS
Carl Tarantino, AIRRS President
On behalf of Operational Radiation Safety (ORS) Senior Associate Editor Brant Ulsh, I am writing to invite you to submit articles to ORS in the academic, industrial, and research radiation safety areas. This journal has special collections of articles set up that generally mirror the organization of the various Health Physics Society (HPS) sections. These collections aggregate papers from the journal around a specific topic, with the idea that interested readers will have a resource to gather all relatively recent articles on a particular topic in one convenient place. In the recent past, the editorial board has not received sufficient papers to support a collection on academic, industrial, and research radiation safety. HPS wishes to turn that tide around!
The HPS is very interested in receiving papers in any area of academic, industrial, and research radiation safety, and is looking to assemble a special issue of ORS from AIRRS. If you or a colleague within or outside your workplace would be interested in sharing your projects, research, experiences, etc., you are invited to make submittals to ORS.
Students are especially encouraged to make a submission. The HPS offers a page-charge waiver to students who are first authors on submitted papers. In 2021, the HPS is expanding this program to retirees who do not have access to institutional support. There is a finite amount of funding to cover this initiative, so it will be available until resources have been expended.
The combination of these advantages and the intensive editorial support provided by the editorial board to authors to help them navigate through the publication process, the seemingly daunting task of a paper submission is made simple and significantly less burdensome. In addition, if an author is in need of financial assistance in preparing/submitting a paper following the HPS protocols, AIRRS is in a position to provide additional funding support to help offset some costs upon request.
Anyone who wishes to pursue a paper submittal in support of this special issue in ORS, please contact Carl Tarantino ([email protected]).