News Archive
22 December 2022
From the President-Elect: 2023 HPS Chapter Visits
Liz Brackett, HPS President-elect
Hello and happy holidays to all! I'd like to remind everyone that I'm still scheduling my Health Physics Society (HPS) president-elect talks with the chapters. The meeting can be in person or virtual, and the Secretariat can help set up a virtual meeting if needed.
Currently scheduled meetings for 2023 are shown below and can also be accessed in the Members Only area of the HPS website.
- Delaware Valley, 24 January, virtual
- Greater St. Louis, 27 January, virtual
- East Tennessee, 11 February, in person
- New England, 28 February, in person
- Hoosier, 9 March, virtual
- Northern California, 16 March, in person
- Central Rocky Mountain, 21 April, in person
- Greater New York, late March/early April
- New Jersey, late March/early April
Some of the information at Chapters of the Health Physics Society on the HPS website appears to be out of date so I'd also request that chapter leadership review the information and please send any updates to me.
You can contact me at [email protected] or [email protected].